Sunday, 16 August 2009

NCLP Internal Verifier report

Once again U-Too was given a really positive report for their Young Mums To Be and Parents With Prospects courses. Comments include:

  • This centre is providing excellent support for the candidates.
  • It is clear to see all tutors are dedicated to their work.
  • The candidates' portfolios are of a consistently high standard.
  • Links with external agencies in Salisbury are excellent.
  • This centre has excellent achievement results and shows best practice in assessment.
So thanks once again to our team of tutors, Alison, Jayne, Lesley, Sue, for maintaining such high standards, to Zoe for her support and excellent outreach work, and to Carolyn for making sure the show stays on the road.

Baby Massage Course takes place

Three couples came to the course at Studley Green Children's Centre in Trowbridge. Marcus, JJ and Nickolas came by train from Swindon, via Bath Spa. Anthony, Chelsey and Laila came from Calne, and Will, Aurora and Connor came from Trowbridge. Three other couples hoped to attend but various bits of life got in the way. Chelsey said she and Anthony "loved the baby massage. Laila was really relaxed all day and was as good as gold!" Aurora came despite having an unpleasant cold and all three couples picked up some useful techniques to use with their children. Thanks go to Niall for setting up the course and to Catherine for running it.

Chelsey massages Laila's legs and tummy watched by an attentive Anthony.

Mark does the same with Nickolas, watched by Catherine and JJ

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Baby Massage Course

This is going to take place at Studley Green Children's Centre in Trowbridge from 10am to 4pm on Saturday 15th August. Niall Howard, who works there, has organised it for us. Lunch is being provided and we'll pay fares. All you need to do is to get yourselves there! It's a great opportunity to meet 'old' friends from the DVD, as well as 'new' U-Too dads.