Saturday, 26 January 2008

Kevin Lowe from the Trust for the Study of Adolescence Comments...

Kevin Lowe said...

Hi Great to see the site and looking forward to the DVD. There is a real need for it to help increase awareness amongst professionals. I work for Trust for the Study of Adolescence (TSA)a national charity based in Brighton. We have microsite all about work to support young fathers. Have a look - comments welcome. It's aimed mostly at professionals, but should be interesting to young dads too and we'd be glad to hear from you - you can post on our message board. Visit and click on the 'Supporting Young Fathers Network' image.
Kevin Lowe
Co-Director, TSA
25 January 2008 17:21

(Kevin's original comments are in response to the post:
Visitors to the Dads Matter Too Blog )

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