Friday 19 March 2010

Two new arrivals

Wednesday saw the arrival of two 'U-Too' babies. Ellie was born at 6.30 am, 8lbs 5ozs. So congratulations to Laura and Chris. Then Paige arrived a month early at 5lbs 1oz. So Max now has a little sister and Den and Lisa are going to have their hands full!

Ellie had to go back into hospital on Friday because she was jaundiced. Laura stayed in overnight with her but, although she was fortunate enough to have a room to herself, Chris was not allowed to stay with her. They found his exclusion very upsetting but, of course, there was nothing they could do about it. It's another example of the way in which young fathers are excluded at crucial times by health service professionals, and an illustration of how far we still have to go to make such services fully inclusive.

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