Friday 6 April 2012

Media interest, of sorts

We received an approach from another film maker recently who are "working on a ground-breaking new series for Channel 4 that will turn documentary film-making on its head – by putting the cameras in the hands of the documentary subjects themselves. The series will follow five men (of different ages and backgrounds) as they film their own lives. We are looking for insightful men who are able to speak about their hopes, challenges, joys and fears and take viewers on a journey through their lives. We are hoping that one of these men might be a young father or a young father-to-be."

I put them in touch with a couple of the guys but, surprise, surprise, the company and/or Channel 4 have changed their minds and are changing the focus of the programme, or so they say. Yet another reminder of the perils of associating with media. I really should have learnt that lesson by now.


jackie said...

Never mind, sounds like they don't know their own filmmaking history well either - Video Nation already did something similar (although I don't know if there were young fathers in that series....) back in the 1990s...
There are lots of interesting films on different aspects of birth & parenting in the current archives...

Mike said...

Thanks for the links Jackie