Tuesday, 18 January 2011

A big day for dads

It's all happening today. An article appeared in The Times this morning. Entitled "The reality of being a teenage dad" by Elizabeth McFarlane, it has an almost accurate quote of mine. You can find the article at http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/life/relationships/article2875431.ece but to read it you'll have to subscribe for £1, then unsubscribe!

Then this evening Panorama broadcast its programme, "Where's Dad?", about fathers who lose contact with their children.

And finally I've just finished writing the Tutor Pack to go along with Dads Matter Too, the rewrite of our original dads' course. All we have to do now is to get it checked by our friends at the National Open College Network to see that it's at the right standard for Level 1 accreditation. When that's done we'll see if we can get it published. Jackie has agreed to produce an A4 copy of the DVD cover to use as the front cover for the course. Thanks Jackie!

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